The Mobile App’s Role in Modern Day Marketing

So, we’ve gone over how mobile apps have affected the lives of people all around the world. We’ve discussed how mobile apps have changed the way people do personal tasks.

However, not only regular people have made use of mobile apps for their own personal interests, but businesses as well. Mobile applications play a big role in modern day marketing because the mobile world has become a whole new channel for businesses to find new customers.

We mentioned earlier that mobile apps in marketing follow the law of supply and demand. Basically, that is the principle which marketers use to help a brand gain traction and followers.

Let’s take social media apps for example. According to marketer Jeff Bullas, a 2014 statistics state that 72% of people are already on social media. To add to that, 71% of them are using their mobile devices to access social media.

So, let’s put the law of supply and demand into an example, just to put things into perspective.

Let’s say an insurance firm has gained customers through their website. Now they have many customers saying they want to be able to upload policies on their website easily, but this may require going on other devices. Having a mobile app where they could easily upload policies and more on their smartphone will solve this issue. You will keep up with growing market and help customers at their convenience.

For a marketer, an app is a supplement to a business. An app addresses a growing need for a new type of experience using a smartphone instead of a desktop. For a business to compete, it has to make sure it constantly addresses whatever needs its existing clientele has. This will help them get an edge over the competition and make the consumers happy at the same time.


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