So why did JD Wetherspoon shut down all their social media but continue to promote their Mobile App ?

The pub chain JD Wetherspoon has removed, with immediate effect, all of their social media accounts across all 930+ locations.

Tim Martin, Wetherspoon’s chairman said:

We are going against conventional wisdom that these platforms are a vital component of a successful business.

“I don’t believe that closing these accounts will affect our business whatsoever, and this is the overwhelming view of our pub managers.

“It’s becoming increasingly obvious that people spend too much time on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, and struggle to control the compulsion.

“We will still be as vocal as ever through our Wetherspoon News magazine, as well as keeping the press updated at all times.

“We will also be maintaining our website and the Wetherspoon app and encourage customers to get in touch with us via our website or by speaking with the manager at their local pub.”

As businesses both large and small struggle to effectively manage their social media presence and measure it’s direct return on investment some will be encouraged to follow the example set by Wetherspoon, to ditch social media in win-win strategy, gaining back time and saving money.

Being a mobile app developer for small businesses, at Apps4U we believe that both social media and mobile apps do have their place to play in most businesses marketing strategy.   However, we understand the challenges many businesses face managing all these media channels.  That’s why our mobile app Content Management System (CMS) not only keeps yours apps up to date but it will also push content to Email, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and your website all in one go!

Nevertheless, one thing we all agree on is the value that an app brings to a business.  The Wetherspoon app allows it’s users to order food and drinks to their table, without customers leaving their seat (no more queuing back at the bar!).   As the Independent recently reported, this created a new unexpected win for Wetherspoon too.  Those who could not make it to the pub, were ordering a round of drinks for their friends through the app!

At Apps4U we have seen a recent rise in demand from businesses who are looking to follow the table service trend set by the likes of McDonalds and JD Wetherspoon with their “Pay from your table” apps, a solution that clearly works for these business giants.

This article originally written and posted by Apps4U on the 16th April 2018.


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